Regular professional oral examinations are important in maintaining your pet’s teeth. Upon examination of your best friend we will advise you on a Periodontal Therapy Plan.
Our Periodontal Therapy Plan is based off of the American Veterinary Dental College grading system.
In some cases a dental cleaning or advanced care may be needed. Unfortunately, this procedure cannot be done safely and efficiently while your pet is awake. We utilize gas anesthesia following pre-medication and induction, with continuous anesthesia monitoring during all dental procedures. Pre-dental blood work helps Dr. Pisani better determine the best combinations of anesthesia to lessen the risk of the dental procedure and is mandatory for all anesthetic procedures. Placing an intravenous (IV) catheter and maintaining your pet on intravenous fluids during a dental procedure is always performed and is not an option for safety reasons.
During a dental cleaning, we perform a thorough oral examination by probing every tooth for pockets and lesions. We then utilize an ultrasonic dental scaler and polisher to clean and polish each tooth above and below the gum line. We treat all dental pockets greater than 4 mm with Doxirobe gel. This process will help close the pockets, and keep your pet’s tooth surface, smooth and lustrous, making them more resistant to plaque build up and decay.
If you have any questions about our services, please contact us today at (828) 490-0344.