The decision to euthanize your pet is likely to be the most difficult decision you will ever have to make as a pet owner.  If the quality of your pet’s life has diminished so that you are experiencing more bad days than good, then it may be time to consider easing your pet’s suffering.

Quality of Life examinations will be performed on all new patients prior to euthanizing. We can examine your pet in its own environment to get an accurate understanding of its medical problems and quality of life to guide you through this critical time.  We will not euthanize a patient with a manageable or treatable disease (ie arthritis, blindness, deafness, untreated diarrhea, untreated renal disease, etc.).

Crossroads Mobile Veterinary Clinic will sedate your pet in its favorite location, allowing you time to say goodbye. After the sedative has taken effect, we will administer the final injection while you comfort your pet. We can also prepare final arrangements for your pet, if requested.

Please Note: Crossroads Mobile Veterinary Clinic performs euthanasia only on pets who have an unmanageable disease or those with little quality of life remaining. We reserve the right to refuse euthanasia if we feel it is being chosen as a convenience option (i.e. I want a new pet; I’m having a baby; It was my parent’s pet and I don’t want it; It’s just old; etc.). If we determine that it is not time to euthanize your pet, a house call fee and quality of life examination charge will be assessed.

Euthanasia Pricing

  • Travel Fee: $78
  • Quality of Life Consultation: $66
  • Euthanasia: $ Please call for pricing

Please note: There may be an additional charge for extended travel, pets over 100 lbs, and aggressive pets.

Aftercare Pricing: If you wish, we will take your beloved pet with us and arrange for cremation services. They will be handled with care, as if they were our own.

If you have any questions about our services, please contact us today at (828) 490-0344.

Ashes are returned by mail or at Shuler Funeral home depending on location.